Energy transition in South East Europe – Speakers

Mr. John Desypris
Director Regulatory Affairs, Mytilineos
At Mytilineos S.A. since 2000, as Director General of Energy Division, Managing Director of Mytilineos Power Generation and Supplies and to all RES companies at the time. In addition, he was Director of Regulatory Affairs at Endessa Hellas S.A., Member of the BoD of Protergia S.A. and M&M S.A., and in METKA as General Manager. Before 2000, at DEP and Hellenic Petroleum Group of companies, specifically in ASPROFOS Engineering S.A. as Managing Director, with major pipeline, industrial, refinery and infrastructure projects in Greece and neighboring countries, in DEP and DEPA S.A. as project engineer for international gas supply negotiations and the project of introduction of natural gas in Greece.
John has served as member of the BoD’s of ASPROFOS and DEPA, member of the Council of Directors of Hellenic Petroleum, member of the National follow-up committee for natural gas introduction in the country. Has worked as Scientific Assistant for Energy and Environmental issues at the Prime Minister’s Office for Economic Affairs in 1987-89, and at Intra-ministerial Committee for the follow-up management of all projects in the country in 1997- 2000.
A Chemical Engineer (UK), with a PhD in Fuels and Energy (Leeds, UK), Chartered Engineer in Greece and UK, he is a Member of the BoD of Institute of Energy of SE Europe, Member of BoD of Hellenic Association of Cogeneration Producers and was the Chairman of IENE in 2009-2013.

Dr Jan Cristoph Nill
Policy officer, European Commission, Directorate-General Climate Action Unit Governance and Effort Sharing
He graduated at the Free University of Berlin and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Kassel. Among his recent responsibilities in DG CLIMA are the coordination of the assessment of the draft integrated national energy and climate plans under the Energy Union and Climate Action Governance Regulation and support to the implementation of the Effort Sharing Regulation which sets binding 2030 climate targets for each Member State.

Mr. Lars Gullev
The Managing Director of VEKS since 1997. VEKS is the company in charge with the District Heating operation in Vestegnen (western area of Copenhagen which includes 12 municipalities). He is also the Danish representative and vice-chairman of the IEA Executive Committee for District Heating and Cooling (IEA ExCo DHC). He is also Member of the Board of Gate 21 (a partnership between municipalities, companies and knowledge institutions which work with the common goal of accelerating the green transition).
With 40 years of experience in energy efficiency and district heating, he trained management in the Bulgarian, Hungarian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Russian and Chinese district heating sectors. He participated with presentation of papers at district heating conferences, symposiums in more than 20 countries including Canada, China, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia, Serbia, Ukraine and USA. He has a B. Sc. in Power Engineering, from the Technical Academy of Denmark (1979) and a Bachelor of Commerce with specialization in Accountancy (1983).

Mr. Costis Stambolis
Executive Director, IENE
He is a founding partner of the Athens based Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) while he currently serves as Chairman and Executive Director. He also serves as a full member of the Greek government’s standing committee on Energy and Climate Change (NECP). Costis has over forty years of experience in the broad energy sector having worked under various capacities on renewables (solar and wind), natural gas, energy market analysis and energy policy.
He holds graduate and postgraduate degrees from the Architectural Association in London and from the Said Business School at Oxford University. He is also the founder and managing editor of, Greece’s foremost energy portal.

Mr. Teodor Chirica
President, FORATOM Europe
President of FORATOM since January 2018, and currently adviser to the CEO of Nuclearelectrica, Teodor is a nuclear engineer with a rich experience (40+ years) in Romanian nuclear industry. He was instrumental in setting up ROMATOM in 2000 and in its affiliation to FORATOM. Actively involved in development of the CANDU project in Romania since the early ‘70s, Teodor worked for ISPE, CITON and RENEL, as well as for CANDU Owner Groups, before serving in different managerial positions at Nuclearelectrica (1998-2009) which he lead as CEO between March 2005 and January 2009. He acted also as Managing Director of AMEC Nucleare Romania (2009-2013), before being appointed CEO of EnergoNuclear – SPV for Cernavoda Units 3&4 – in November 2013. He holds a PhD in nuclear science from the Politehnica University in Bucharest and is a FORATOM Executive Officer since 2006.

Mrs. Ana Otilia Nutu
energy expert, Expert Forum
Ana Otilia is an energy policy analyst at the think tank Expert Forum and a World Bank consultant on energy. She coordinates regional research on Russian influence in the energy sector and is EU coordinator of the Working Group 3 – Environment, Climate Change and energy security of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. Her current research includes energy transition, decarbonization and energy efficiency.

Mr. Dimitrios Mezartasoglou
Head of Research at IENE
He has full exposure across the energy sector specifically for Greece/SE Europe. Whilst at IENE, Dimitrios has been part of a variety of projects, including “SE Europe Energy Outlook 2016/2017” study and “Greek Energy Directory 2016” publication, while he is Assistant Editor of “Market Fundamentals and Prices”, “Monthly Analysis” and several other IENE’s newsletters. Dimitrios holds two Master’s degrees from the University of Strathclyde on Global Energy Management and from the University of Exeter on Money and Banking.

Mr. Emilian Negut
COO, LNG Romania
An experienced independent consultant with more than 30 years of experience in the gas & energy industry. His area of specialty includes Operations Management, Gas & Steam Turbines, Boilers, Power Plants, CHP, IPP, Gas, LNG and Coal. He has worked in power generation in Romania (RENEL/Termoelectrica) and abroad (Middle East). He was also involved in project finance for local, small and medium size IPPs. His most recent assignment was as Technical Director for ElectroGas Malta – the owner & developer of an “LNG to Power” terminal project in South Europe. Currently, he is working with TRUST Finance to structure the first “Small Scale LNG” concept for the local market.

Mr. Costas Theofylaktos
IENE Secretary-General & Chairman of Energy Efficiency Committee
Is a USA trained Mechanical Engineer with an MSc from the University of Evansville, Indiana, and has 25 years of experience in the energy sector. Constantinos’s special interests include cogeneration and RES. He was for many years chairman of Greece’s Cogeneration Association and also member of the executive council of COGEN Europe. Until recently, he was chairman and CEO of the Athens based Centre of Renewable Energy Sources (CRES).

Mr. Andrei Covatariu
Institutional Affairs, Enel Romania
Before his current role, Andrei held several positions within the same company, having worked in Regulatory Affairs, Energy Trading or next to the CEO & Country Manager. Currently, he is also a Senior Research Associate and the Summer School Director at Energy Policy Group, the Romanian-based think tank, specialized in energy policy and strategy. In addition, Andrei is a Board Member of FEL-100 (Studies Committee) – a program coordinated by the World Energy Council, in London, and designed for 100 most promising young professionals in energy. Andrei’s interests revolve around energy strategies, energy transition, European energy policy, and energy poverty.

Mrs. Eugenia Gusilov
Director, ROEC
Eugenia is the founder of the think tank Romania Energy Center (ROEC). She has worked with NATO, the UN, Energy Charter, the Romanian government (Ministry of EU funds, Ministry of Energy), DGAP (Germany), companies, universities and NGOs on a wide range of projects. She authored think tank publications, business outlooks and forecasts, having worked on such topics as natural gas, energy infrastructure, district heating, energy economics, policies and markets. In the past, Eugenia worked as an analyst for the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Department of Political and Strategic Analysis. She holds a Master of International Affairs with a concentration in International Energy Management and Policy from Columbia University in New York (USA, 2010) and a BA in European Studies from Bucharest University (2005).