ROEC can also be contracted for the following services:
- speech writing services for CEO, politicians, public figures;
- organization of executive classes, seminars, summer schools, academies for corporate clients and/or public servants (ex: energy ABC; energy policies in Eastern Europe; sectoral energy policies in Romania; EU energy policy; petroleum fiscal framework, renewable policy, oil &gas policy, energy geopolitics, regional security, thought leadership, energy history, Russian energy policy, Ukraine energy focus, O&G policies in Central Asia, etc);
- development of educational support material (class presentations, case studies, handouts, tests);
- content development for events (conference production) – choice of right topics and speakers, liaison with speakers, structuring the panels, preparation of key marketing materials, etc;
- organization of focus groups;
- speaking engagements (expert presentations, moderator services, panel discussions, corporate talks, public lectures, media appearances).
If what you need is not on the list, but you think we could be of assistance, please get in touch with us at energy@roec.biz