The 1st energy studies Think-Tank in Romania
- Hotspot for elite expertise in Energy, International Affairs, Foreign Policy, Security, Economics & Area Studies -


Our main focus is energy, but we have successfully applied our research and analysis skills to fields such as public administration, corporate advisory, program assessment and project valuation.

Business services offered by ROEC to clients form the energy sector have an across industries applicability. Our expertise and rigorous research and analysis background is the foundation which allows us to extend some of our business services to non-energy sectors. Specifically, we assist companies and investors to find and seize new business opportunities by conducting thorough market research and analysis in preparation for a business expansion/restructuring, opportunity analysis, political risk analysis, etc.

ROEC works with company founders, CEOs, managers, project coordinators, sales and strategy divisions, as well as with end-users for various commercial tasks and research assignments. For our clients to succeed, they need a differentiated approach and full-time commitment. What works for a big company, may not work for an SME or a start-up. What works in UK or US may not work in Eastern Europe or Asia because of differences in culture, upbringing, mentality, religion or behavior. What was important for baby boomers leaves the millennials indifferent. What mattered in 2005 or 2010 may be completely irrelevant today. A massive shift in consumer behavior, lifestyles, professional and personal choices is underway. In Eastern Europe, there is a growing environmental awareness that did not exist under communism or even 10 years ago which is likely to impact any industrial activity going forward. In such a fast-changing landscape, companies need a 101% invested partner on their side, not overpriced consultants offering ready-made solutions. That is why ROEC firmly believes in the effectiveness of individualized solutions, not the “one size fits all” approach. We work with established experts, researchers and seasoned professionals to think and develop innovative, high-impact, practical and fair priced solutions. At ROEC, you pay for services rendered and expertise, not the mark-up of the London office square meter or the age of the brand. We are the lean and mean independent consultancy for start-ups, SMEs, disrupters, innovators, and shapers of tomorrow…as well as for companies willing to self-examine and adapt.




Examples of work that can be commissioned:
  • market assessment (size, history, growth prospects);
  • analysis of key players / competitor landscape analysis;
  • identification of business trends and new growth opportunities,
  • analysis of barriers to market entry
  • identification of business management problems;
  • quantitative modeling to support findings or run a diagnostic analysis/forecast;
  • strategy and advisory services;
  • assessment of sales policies & business strategies;
  • cost optimization;
  • investment opportunity analysis;
  • project finance analysis;
  • assessment of market interest for a certain product/service;
  • business outlooks;
  • price outlooks;
  • industry outlooks.


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